The Pets' Page

Breed: Himalayan
Color: Blue Cream
Date of Birth: 4-28-93
Registered Name: Teah's Petable Mewster
Aliases: The Pets, MewMar Catdaffi, Little Miss Pets, The Micro Mew
Hobbies: Rub-dubs, playing mew-chase with the other girls, classified (if we tell you, we'll have to kill you)
Dislikes: The Pets:  Not being rub-dubbed enough.
MewMar:  Being smooched on

My cat household grew to 3 when I met The Pets at a cat show in Leesburg, VA. The Pets and Pumpkin were purchased from the same breeder, Tia Steiner who owns Teah's Cattery. While my cats are not show quality, Tia's cats have won tops CFA awards. One of her cats is featured on CFA's Breed Profile: Persian - Himalayan Division page. She had the Best Cat in Championship and she had the 4th best kitten during the 2001-2002 showing season.

Like many cats, The Pets answers to several names.  The Pets, however, is special because she also has a purrsonality for each of her aliases. 

As The Pets, she's a sweet little kitty who likes to sit on laps.  The Pets is afflicted with what can only be described as the terminal rub-dubs.  The only thing which can help alleviate the terminal rub-dubs is lots of petting and lots of scritches. She's a tiny little kitty, weighing in at 7.1 pounds. Hence, the Micro Mew moniker. Her favorite game is Mew Chase. Mew Chase is played when a kitty is chased by a human or another cat. Like most cat games, there is no object to this game. So far as I have been able to determine, the only rule in Mew Chase is that you are not supposed to catch the kitty being chased.

When she was less than a year old, The Pets developed a limp.  Over the course of a few days, the limp got worse.  Her back right leg was sore and tender to the touch.  Her veterinarian,  the wonderful Dr. Julie Giles, was unable to pinpoint the problem immediately.  X-rays did not show anything conclusive.  After a course of treatment, including a full leg cast, no improvement was noted.  A veterinary orthopedic surgeon was subsequently called in.  He concluded that The Pets had a dislocated hip.  A pin was surgically implanted in her hip.

The Pets was in a full leg/hip cast for a long time. It tore my heart out watching this tiny little kitty try to move around with her huge heavy cast. When I saw that she was unable to get into the litter box, I turned my spare bedroom into a litter box. I covered the floor with plastic, collected about 20 of the low cardboard boxes typically used to hold a case of beer, and covered it all with kitty litter. I held her, petted her, comforted her and covered her with kisses. She likes to sleep with me, but I did not want to put her into my bed as I was afraid she might try to jump down during the course of the night and hurt herself even more. I ended up putting my comforter on the floor for her to sleep on. There were many nights when I slept on the comforter on the floor with her. During the time The Pets was recovering from her surgery, I purchased a townhouse. The removal of her cast coincided with my moving into my new house. Dr. Giles told me to keep her quiet after the cast removal, and to keep her from going up and down steps. HA! Cats are escape artists and, as one might expect, MewMar Catdaffi is a master escape artist. She eluded child gates and closed doors. Once free, she would stick her leg out perpendicular to her body and zoom up and down the stairs. Still, her recovery was complete.  We never determined what caused the hip dislocation, but I suspect that it had something to do with the emergence of the MewMar Catdaffi personality!

Despite her diminutive size, MewMar Catdalphi is a known cat terrorist.  She is the founder and leader of the Fuzbalah.  MerMar is being sought by Interpol and the FBI for questioning in connection with catnip smuggling.  Sources have confided that quantities of cream-colored fur have found at the site of broken vases and numerous unexplained disasters.   According to my husband, MewMar is conducting cold fusion experiments in our basement. I told him that I found this very interesting, since our house has no basement. He said "that's what MewMar wants you to think." MewMar's distinguishing feature is a "pissed-off-at-the-world" expression.  She is known to be armed with sharp claws and should be considered dangerous.  MewMar has a slight limp which is no way hinders her mobility.

When MewMar goes under cover, she is known as Little Miss Pets.  Miss Pets goes under cover every night when I go to bed and get under the covers.  She is apparently of the opinion that it's only safe to purr under cover, when no one can see the source of the purr.