MeCoon's Page

Breed: Maine Coon Cat
Color: Brown Tabby
Date of Birth: 7-14-92
Registered Name: CooneyIsle's McCoon
Aliases: The Mewster, Sylvester, Pinks, MeToon, The Mega Mew
Hobbies: Fishing, eating, catnip
Dislikes: Tummy rubs, being held upside down

McCoon is a Mewster! A mewster shares many of the characteristics of a monster. However, instead of saying boo, they say mew. They sometimes commit acts knows as mewstrosities. Weighing in at 13.8 pounds, MeCoon is also known at the Mega Mew.

I purchased MeCoon from Sandy Stirling, a wonderful lady who owned the CooneyIsle cattery. For those of you not familiar with the breed, the Maine Coon is 100% cat! They are large cats with a long rectangular body, a long beautiful tail, and sweet intelligent faces. While I have trouble taking good photos of some of my cats, MeCoon is so photogenic that it is impossible to snap a bad photo her.

One might think that a Mewster of MeCoon's considerable size would be a bully. Actually, she's a bit of a fraidy cat. She stays clear of most of the cats in the household. Aside from the humans she lives with, her best friend is Panyan Pou. They often sleep together and groom each other. Some of my friends say their affinity toward each other is because they are the only normal looking cats in the house.

I would certainly not refer to MeCoon as normal. When MeCoon first came to live with me, I was concerned because she did not seem to know how to drink water. She would put her paw in the water dish, splashing the water around and creating something akin to tidal waves. I wondered if she was used to drinking milk instead of water, although I did not think that would be the case since milk is not good for cats. I called Sandy Stirling, who affirmed that she never gave her cats milk. She told me that Maine Coons often drink by splashing the water with their paws. Satisfied with this knowledge, I directed my energies toward devising a means of providing an adequate supply of fresh water while keeping my floors relatively dry. I tried big water dishes and several small water dishes. I tried elevating the water dish. Still, there always seemed to be more water on the floor than in the dish. I finally settled on a combination of things. I have an inverted water bottle which keeps a fresh supply of water in the dish. The dish sits in a boot tray (a large rubberized mat with sides designed to keep snow covered boots from melting off onto the floor). The boot tray sits on a rug with a rubberized back. I empty accumulated water from the boot tray on a daily basis using a turkey baster. Not the ideal solution, but it kind of works.

MeCoon is not only a Mewster -- she's a moocher! I do not know how she became such a beggar cat. I have never fed my cats from the table, and do nothing to reinforce her begging behavior. As a matter of fact, I never feed my cats people food. If you listen to MeCoon, you'd probably think I never feed my cats at all! On the rare occasion when they get turkey or chicken, the meat is diced into small pieces and put into their cat bowls with their regular cat food. You would think that after all these years, it would have gotten through MeCoon's fuzzy little head that begging is going to get her nothing but a firm scolding. Still, she is the eternal optimist -- the Don Quixote of cats.

MeCoon is a sweet kitty who likes to sleep with us (usually on my husband's head). She will climb onto a waiting lap and try to purr. For a long time, MeCoon could not purr at all. She would try. I could feel the rumbling, but no audible purr came out. Now she sometimes manages to emit a MeCoon purr which sounds like a cross between a wheeze and an engine badly in need of a tune-up. She is sitting on my lap doing her MeCoon purr as I type this.

MeCoon is 100% cat. She fancies herself to be quite the hunter. She did manage to catch a goldfish from my pond once. Fortunately, I rescued the fish in time and returned it to the pond. She hides in the hostas near the pond and waits for the birds that come to the pond to bathe and drink. Fortunately for the birds, MeCoon soon ends up sound asleep. I have observed birds parading 5 inches from her nose while she snoozes away. My husband says her antics remind him of Sylvester.

MeCoon also loves to sunbathe in our back yard when she's not fishing. She lies with her rather rotund pink belly up in the air -- a very unlady-like pose. She gets offended when we talk about her pink belly. Don't even think about trying to touch her belly! My husband dubbed her Pinks because of the pink belly and her little pink nose. MeCoon does not think this nickname is dignified enough for a cat of her lineage and refuses to respond to it.